Our expert web accessibility evaluation:
The web accessibility evaluation can be carried out in conjunction with our accessibility testing service, whereby we recruit a sample of persons with vision loss and disabled web users and have them attempt to complete common tasks on your website.
The web accessibility evaluation report is very much recommendation-led. For each highlighted issue, clear recommendations are provided for how to remedy it and improve the site's accessibility. Recommendations are defined as high, medium and low priority, as appropriate.
We supply sample HTML and CSS code where necessary, to help you repair any problem. Aside from the sample codes, the report assumes no prior technical knowledge. It's written in layman's terms and is presented with a number of screenshots from the site and HTML code extracts.
Once the web accessibility evaluation report is completed, Accessible Printing will make a short presentation of the main findings to you. This executive summary is an ideal opportunity for website stakeholders to learn more about the site and its accessibility.
The expert accessibility evaluation is carried out by Accessible Printing's highly skilled in-house accessibility specialists. In addition to the large number of human checks, a number of programs are utilized during the audit:
Please note, we do not use automated testing tools. Automated testing tools are unable to check for most accessibility guidelines, and the checks they do perform are generally inadequate.
The websites are tested against best practice guidelines as set down by the W3C, and our own unique in-house research. The tests we carry out cover all special needs groups, such as blind, partially sighted, deaf, learning difficulties, the elderly, dyslexic and mobility impaired users.
Although we do refer to the W3C guidelines in the accessibility evaluation, we will not be performing a 'box-ticking' exercise. Indeed, some guidelines are no longer relevant and some may not need to be implemented under certain circumstances - in either case, Accessible Printing will not recommend these guidelines be implemented.
Additionally, the accessibility evaluation adheres to specialist advice and recommendations as outlined by the W3C, AODA, CNIB, EU, DDA, RNIB, BSI PAS 78 and DRC.
After you (or we) have implemented the changes from the web accessibility evaluation, we'll run an accessibility health check on your website. This is to ensure that our recommendations have been properly implemented and usually takes place 3-6 months after the initial web accessibility evaluation.
Accessible Printing can then continue to provide an accessibility health check of your website every six months, as part of an ongoing accessibility evaluation. Accessibility is an iterative process so it's crucial that your site continues to maintain high standards of accessibility over time as it changes and grows.