As with the general printing industry, the Brailling process has also undergone a revolution from the traditional plating system to high-tech computer generated machines. Our company uses the finest translation software and high-speed printers to produce everything from business cards, to letters to telephone bills, magazines to menus, brochures to books. Documents are either scanned into the computer or downloaded from an electronic file or e-mail where they are then formatted and checked for errors.
Proofreading is an integral part of our company and is performed by highly experienced, certified Braillists. Mistakes are noted on a hand-held Perkins Brailler and handed back to the typesetter. Scanned documents are handled by certified computer professionals whose job it is to remove all errors and restore the text to its original state. Only when we are completely satisfied with the accuracy of the document will we then dispatch it to the client.
Our printers are capable of producing single and double-sided Braille on a variety of sizes of paper to suit the customer's requirements. These printers are capable of producing 1,280 sides of Braille within 60 minutes which amounts to 10,240 within an eight-hour day. We now also offer a choice of binding from cone to saddle-stitching. Again, this depends on the nature of the document and customer preference.
Material may be sent as hard copy, on computer disk as either word/rtf/text files or by e-mail in the same formats. We strongly recommend that you send us examples of the material you would like transcribed into Braille as this will enable us to provide you with an accurate quotation.