Does your organization currently produce monthly bills or statements? Have you addressed the communication needs of all of your client's? It is vital that you effectively communicate with all your clients.
Organizations currently converting regular print invoices/statements to accessible braille format:
Having materials available for your customers in a format they can read independently is all part of providing an inclusive service. Less than 5% of what is available in a printed format is available alternative formats. 3 million Canadians, or 10% of the population, cannot read regular print due to a disability (visual, learning, physical).
With our secure production facilities and online transactions, we ensure customer's data integrity, confidentiality, privacy and security. We pride ourselves on our ability to protect your customers confidential information. Our production facilities are an extension of your existing production facilities.
Accessible Printing provides Certified Braille Transcription services so that your regular print material can be converted to braille. We provide this service in either of the two official languages of Canada, English and French.
Contact us and one of our Account Managers will be pleased to help you with your organization's communication and transcription requirements.